Logan Cuddemi
Motion Designer
Logan Cuddemi is a motion graphics designer specializing in television and documentary. He has worked with a range of clients, studios, and networks. His work is featured on Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, and more.
When not at work he produces personal projects and collaborates often with other artists.
Logan graduated from MassArt with a BFA in Film and Video
Work featured on:
YouTuber Now Re-Imagines THE EXORCIST a Romantic Comedy
April 2021 | by
You all loved Logan Cuddemi‘s reimagining of The Shining as a 1990s-era sitcom. So we thought we’d bring you another one. The Exorcist as a Romantic Comedy. Though released in 1973, The Exorcist is still widely considered the most terrifying horror movie ever made. But in his video, Cuddemi proves that happy music and creative editing, even a paradigm of terror can look like a romantic comedy…
Kubrick’s ‘The Shining’ (as a ’90s Sitcom)?: Here’s How
March 2021 | by Greg Brodsky
A talented young editor, Logan Cuddemi, has used his imagination and significant skills to create a brief “what if?” parody of the movie, complete with an upbeat (and recognizable) theme song, showcasing the cast as if it were a ’90s sitcom. It’s brilliantly done and we asked him several questions about his work…
© 2024 logan cuddemi | graphics@logancuddemi.com